Allopathic or mainstream practitioners often vehemently crititise ayurveda as an unscientific practice. That shows their ignorance and arrogance. Ayurveda is a time-tested system of health, which goes much beyond the reductionist, mechanical system of modern medicine.
Manoj Pandey* There was a news report some months back that scientists have created a human embryo from skin cells after converting them into stem cells. Stem cells were earlier reported to be...
* Manoj Pandey We are so used to the internet that we don’t realise how much effort goes in the background for bringing a message or photo to our devices. Similarly, we have...
* Manoj Pandey Ants are everywhere. So, it is unlikely that you have not seen ants in your kitchen, dining tables and even beds. You might have suffered itch and red skin when a...
Manoj Pandey* The word metabolism is quite often tossed in our conversations on health. Interestingly, people carry different notions about metabolism even when talking about it with the same group of people for a...