Manoj Pandey* A possible asteroid collision comes up in the media now and then. An image of catastrophe is created in public minds in which a huge crater is created, the earth shakes,...
शोभना तनेजा स्त्री मन की गहन अनुभूतियों और अनुराग की कवियत्री हैं। उनके 'हायकू' भी सूक्तियों की तरह अभिभूत करते हैं। ये मन को कहीं गहरे छू लेने वाली, निर्मल और गहन अनुराग की सरल कविताएं हैं...
Random Thoughts of a Media Monitor* Quite a few things have changed in the last thirty years. The world has, for instance. Generation, obviously. Language. Technology. Aspirations. And so has Indian Television News.
अजीत सिंह*         कैमला, जो चंद रोज़ पहले तक एक अज्ञात सा गांव था, हाल ही में मीडिया की सुर्खियों में आया है। गत रविवार दस जनवरी को हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री को वहां...
Manoj Pandey* A notion is widespread that humans use only ten percent of their brain power, and the brain can achieve unimaginable levels of wonders if one could use it to the full. In...
Sudhirendar Sharma Music is nourishing, and words (which are often inert) come alive when music delivers them as sound. No wonder, we know more when someone speaks - words delivered...
आखिरी पन्ना आखिरी पन्ना उत्तरांचल पत्रिका के लिए लिखा जाने वाला एक नियमित स्तम्भ है। यह लेख पत्रिका के फरवरी 2020 अंक के लिए लिखा गया। 30 जनवरी को जब...
Mudrarakshasa Mudrarakshasa has written a series of articles for this web-magazine wherein he has dwelt upon the ongoing tussle between the Right and the Left across the world and in India. In this...
Remembering Bapu on his Death Anniversary : An introduction to 'Bapugeetika-Songs for the Mahatma’ by Kalpana Palkhiwala* The 16 feet high statue of Mahatma Gandhi, in a meditating...
Manoj Pandey* All higher animals need water. Scientists say, it is because all land animals have evolved from primitive sea animals. So, we swim in watery fluids when we are in the mother's...